Vac audio cable
Vac audio cable

Together with a corresponding input device (the loop back) called. The PulseAudio Commands (pacmd) each create an output device with the given name, The pulseaudio command starts the pulseaudio server. Pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=MySinkB Pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=MySinkA Here is the user-level script I run before firing up wfview and/or wsjtx: #!/bin/sh Instead, you can use the pulseaudio equivalent.

vac audio cable

Well, snd-aloop is just not supported - the underlying code is just not there. In previous post I documented the difficulty I was having getting the snd_aloop approach, as given in the user guide, to work on my new raspberry pi 400.Ĭame across a blog from Raspberry Pi folks posted early 2021 explaining that they had switched from ALSA sound system to PulseAudio, with a few ALSA plug-ins to maintain some compatibility.

Vac audio cable